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When we expand the ancient practices and philosophy of yoga out of a protected environment, and combine our experiences and learnings from this ancient tradition with the natural teachings of our surrounding environment, we allow nature to broaden the potential of holistic self-discovery. By slowIy removing the boundaries of self-consciousness and everyday conditioning, and expanding the usual holistic retreat approach of guided movement, breath and meditation out of a controlled environment, we realize we already have an endless supply of tools around us to assist in the observation of our own patterns and behavior, and thus create change, just by connecting to nature. Even with the careful and structured guidance of the yoga teachings and the understanding of the functionality of our own bodies in safe, efficient, and effective workouts "on the mat", we often fail to understand and experience how to integrate these teachings into our life "off the mat".


Nicole Gibbard, originally from England, has been fully present in the fitness and yoga industry for over two decades, as a former regional manager for top health clubs in Switzerland, a fitness and yoga presenter, educator, personal trainer, and group teacher in Switzerland. Her exclusive retreat company YOGACTIVITY, organizes and manages high-end Fitness and Yoga holiday experiences with only the best and most well-known professionals in the industry, in magnificent locations around the world. The main partner of YOGACTIVITY is Robert Steinbachers company inZENtive Travel, and together they offer you these incredible opportunities to travel to magnificant locations, not only on exclusive retreats and inZENtive Festivals, but also online. The inZENtive Global Training Platform, offers you the chance to train with some of the best teachers from around the world wherever you are located, with an extensive offering of classes and online inZENtive educations which allow you to continue your trainings from your own home once your return from any retreat experience. Every YOGACTIVITY retreat takes you on a journey from beginning to end, combining unforgettable adventures in nature and explorations of the local surroundings, daily physical workouts and trainings with top coaches, carefully tailored dining experiences with private chefs, and luxury accommodation to cater for all needs. This is your chance to fully let go and immerse yourself in your journey, increase your personal experience, and your growth. A YOGACTIVITY holiday is all about you!



Nicole offers 60 or 90 minute private sessions to individuals of any level wishing to experience & develop themselves physically or mentally through any form of movement. Using correct nutrition, therapeutic and fitness exercises, interwoven with yoga, qi gong, meditation, breathing techniques, activities in nature, nutrition, functional training, and a strong focus on the biomechanics of the body, you find your own way to take from these trainings whatever it is you are looking for to enhance and improve your daily life. Each session can be experienced online, in your own home (additional CHF 50 for travel and time expenses) or at Nicole’s own home in Zurich, Switzerland. Sessions are CHF 150 in person for 90 minutes in person or CHF100 online for 1 hour.


If you are a private individual, private company or a Yoga or Fitness teacher looking to organize your own retreat or special event for your group, please contact Nicole directly for assistance or advise in organizing your retreat or holiday experience. With over 20 years’ experience in managing and organizing fitness, yoga and activity retreats and events around the globe, Nicole will be happy to assist in all the logistics, including venue, location, activities, classes, chef, menu etc. and perfectly tailor the experience to fit your individual needs and requirements.

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Nicole offers 60 minute private sessions to individuals of any level wishing to experience & develop themselves physically or mentally through any form of movement. Using correct nutrition, therapeutic and fitness exercises, interwoven with yoga, qi gong, meditation, breathing techniques, activities in nature, nutrition, functional training, and a strong focus on the biomechanics of the body, you find your own way to take from these trainings whatever it is you are looking for to enhance and improve your daily life. Sessions are CHF 150 in person per 60 minute session (plus travel expenses if relevant) or CHF 100 online for 1 hour.


For team building classes, weekends, workshops or a retreat experience for your company or team, please contact Nicole for ideas and assistance to organize the perfect program for your event.


Jeannette Balink

Nicole is great coach online and in person. I hired Nicole to work with me on mobility. More specific the reduced mobility in 1 hip, which caused me pain. She taught me with detailed and correct instructions how move and exercise pain free. There are very few coaches as dedicated, observant and skilled as Nicole. I highly recommend her online coaching, I’ve seen huge improvement! And she’s fun, challenging and inspirational. The fun part plays a big role when I join Nicole on retreats. Though Nicole is a professional and dedicated to gives a relaxed holiday with the workouts I love

Tina and Jorg

Myself and my husband have been practicing yoga for 5 years now each week with Nicole. It has completely changed our experience of our body’s and our idea of movement and our private sessions have become an important part of our week. We feel very fortunate to practice yoga with Nicole and cannot imagine how we ever managed without her classes bringing balance and awareness into our every day lives.


What a wonderful week in Portugal last year with amazing yoga sessions, an incredible private villa, delicious food and unforgettable coastal and beach hikes and cultural trips to the surrounding areas. Together with much fun and laughter, new experiences, and a wonderful group of people, it was the dream vacation. I have just booked to go again this year to Ibiza with Yogactivity and I can’t wait!


“True riding mastery can only be reached by the person who, for years and years, has kept his mind open to new ideas, and even he should always be prepared to admit that there is still much to be learned”


Have you ever contemplated why, as equestrian lovers, we spend hours learning how to warm up, bend, flex, extend, engage, strengthen, shorten, balance, calm, energize and cool down the horses we ride, often never considering the same for our own bodies and mind? The horse senses and mirrors our every breath and movement, including the subtle changes in our body’s that result from thoughts. No rider exists in isolation from the horse, even with a saddle in between, so maybe it’s time therefore, that we spent a little more focus on the rider? The unique approach of Yoga for Horse Riders merges two very ancient disciplines, horsemanship and yoga, and focuses on teaching you, as the rider, awareness, flexibility, balance and correct breathing in rhythm with movement, to generate a relaxed focus in your own journey towards Union with the horse. Whatever your riding goals, by tapping into the potential of your subconscious mind, using meditation and visualization and control of your own breath, you will be able to fully succeed in creating the harmonious balance, where horse and rider merge into one. Yoga for Horse Riders will also help you to achieve a balanced seat and better understanding of how your own body functions as a communicative tool to the horse. As you begin to understand the bio-mechanics of your own body, you will be able to develop the necessary sensitivity and refinement to fully tune into the animal beneath you. Learning and practicing yoga routines designed as simple 15-20 warm ups, some of which can even be done on the horse, or in riding clothes before you ride, better physically and mentally prepare you to cope with the reactions of your horse by loosening blocked or tight muscles and calming and stilling the mind. The 10 minute cool downs following, will leave you in a perfect state of well being for the next day’s activities. Both yoga and riding are timeless studies that involve journeys of self-discovery and growth, breathing and movement, cultivating balance, suppleness, flexion and mental focus, until Horse Riding actually becomes yoga!

What is meant by Union?

The word yoga means Union or “to make whole” and refers to the ultimate alliance between mind, body and soul. Hatha yoga, seeks balance of masculine and feminine energies in the physical and mental body, through a series of tested postures (yoga asanas) practiced with full self awareness and use of the breath. By improving your own mind and body awareness off the horse, performance and connection to the horse when mounted is positively and significantly enhanced, creating bonds of trust, communication and synchronicity between horse and rider, and the full understanding of the meaning of Union. Basic meditation techniques will move you into stillness by quieting the constant chatter of the mind, help you to accept and not judge your own abilities and to be more present in the moment to listen, understand and be one with the horse. Self understanding is possibly the most intricate journey to becoming a great rider, and yoga can be the path to helping you fully achieve your desired equestrian goals.

In summary

Your yoga practice will not only benefit your equestrian pursuits, but can also influence changes throughout your life, at home, work, school, or play, resulting in a better physical and mental performance in all that you do. Because of its holistic nature, yoga’s benefits reveal themselves on subtle levels, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. By incorporating the Yoga for Horse Rider program into your equestrian life you will; - find you can fully participate in the moment, both on and off the horse - have a mind that is liberated from unnecessary activity to better tune in to yourself and the horse - allow yourself to reverse escalation of out of control situations by returning your attention to the simplest common denominator: breathing - clear your mind, embrace silence and better incorporate powerful meditation and visualization techniques into your riding repertoire - create a quiet mind, enabling you to achieve dynamic, rhythm and stillness on the horse - be inspired to observe your emotions objectively, encourage the release of blocked emotions through the use of breathing and gentle movement, creating lightness and emotional health - nurture inner harmony, and overall sense of wellbeing and peace of mind - increase sensitivity and develop intuition, both on and off the horse - be encouraged to take responsibility for your own development as a rider - foster an attitude of compassion and acceptance toward yourself and the horse

Physical benefits

The positive and immediate effects of the holistic practice of yoga are endless and this small investment in your own self is worth a little attention. Reducing tension, lowering blood pressure, relaxing and soothing body and mind while increasing energy and mental clarity, and helping tight and blocked areas to relax and stretch without force or injury. Locked joints create blocks of tension in the body, preventing you from being able to absorb the horse’s movement. Inflexible joints contribute to a loss of connection with the horse and instability in the saddle. Practicing yoga asanas (postures) will gently keep your joints lubricated and the surrounding muscles and ligaments supple, enabling you to develop greater flexibility in the saddle. Yoga for Horse Riders generates a more balanced tone in your large working muscle groups, important for stability and maintaining a secure position on the horse. Consistent yoga practice can help correct asymmetries in your body and contribute to a more balanced alignment, helping your ride with more poise and grace. By learning to use parts of your body independently, by using only what is needed, you will be able to fine tune riding aids and eliminate access physical movement. Learning to control and isolate the parts of your body, by operating more skillfully as an integrated whole, you will improve awareness and be able to maintain the integrity of your riding position through all the horses gaits and transitions. In the strengthening of this body and mind connection, a heightened level of awareness will directly affect your ability to influence the willingness and cooperation of the horse you are riding.


The reasons for addressing the rider’s mental and physical states in order to be in a position to clearly reflect our intentions to the horse, slowly become obvious. If the rider is tense, the horse becomes tense. If the rider is relaxed, the horse becomes relaxed. If the rider’s movements are abrupt and unbalanced, how could the horse’s movements flow? Only when the rider has achieved sufficient levels of self-awareness, mental clarity, and physical balance, to enable him to communicate effectively, will the horse reflect the rider’s proficiency and skill. Isn’t it time therefore that we shift our constant focus from how the horse is performing, developing, and progressing, and divert this attention more to the rider?


When we take what we learn off the protected mat environment and practice our teachings out in the surrounding nature, walking, horse riding, surfing, biking, kayaking, skiing and many other forms of activity or adventure, we can further develop our self-awareness, self-belief and self-confidence as we practice the skills and tools we learnt using breath, focus, strength, flexibility, mobility, agility, patience and acceptance, thus continuing to expand our experiences of ourselves. The thrill and excitement of personal growth, remembering, realizing, and recognizing our own potential and the essentials of living, reignites our appreciation of what we already have, within ourselves and around us, and enables us to integrate these teachings into our everyday life… this is YOGACTIVITY!


We offer our trainings as personal sessions, group classes, weekend workshops, longer educations or as exclusive retreats or larger festivals.Trainings combine NUTRITION, MOVEMENT, YOGA, DANCE, MARTIAL ARTS, FUNCTIONAL MOVEMENT, BODYART, QI GONG, BREATHWORK, MEDITATION, with experiences in NATURE and an immersion into the surrounding CULTURE and ENVIRONMENT.


We offer you the possibility to WAKE UP your life on whatever level or to whatever extent you choose. To BURST YOUR BUBBLE and to open your eyes to new ideas, to realize your own potential, and to create a new way of being. To UNCONDITION, to break old patterns and habits, and to RETHINK & RE-DEFINE OLD PRINCIPLES TO DEVELOP A NEW & DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVE ON WHAT IS REALLY IMPORTANT TO YOU IN YOUR LIFE.


We subtly bring in a new way of thinking, a chance to realise that you already have the answer to all your problems within yourself. We offer and provide a SAFE SPACE in a SECURE ENVIRONMENT in which you can give yourself the permission to explore your own world from other perspectives with the guidance, assistance, wisdom and experience of experts around you.


We are simply here to assist you in finding a more comfortable way to live in your own body, to RELIEVE STRESS, addressing PHYSICAL PAIN or discomfort, to REBALANCE and RESTRUCTURE daily life patterns and to immerse you in NATURE, MOVEMENT, FOOD, FITNESS, YOGA & most importantly your real self, and bring you back to the basics and simplicity of what life is really all about.....”LIVING”.


We have carefully selected from a lifetime of interaction with some of the most expert movement specialists in the world, and who are the most incredible teachers in their field. From world recognized MARTIAL ARTS, DANCE, YOGA AND FITNESS EXPERTS, we all come together to allow you to safely dive into the most beautiful journey of self-discovery through movement.


We OPEN the BOX......and from there, you choose the ways you need and want, to begin to undo conditioning and look at yourself, your life, and your current situation, with new eyes. Whether this is by starting to move or by changing the way you move your body, addressing the way you manage your personal relationship, how you cope with your work environment & colleagues, or how to better balance your everyday lifestyle or even to start to build a new life completely. Whether you have an HOUR A WEEK, a WEEKEND, a FULL WEEK, or a LIFETIME, we start the process, and offer you the tools and support to continue until you are finally able to achieve your goal.


We welcome people of all ages and ALL LEVELS OF EXPERIENCE, who are at a point in life where previous patterns begin to fall apart and make no sense. We encourage, support & allow the TIME FOR CHANGE. SPORTS PROFESSIONALS – Horse Riders, golfers, cyclists, swimmers, fitness enthusiasts, surfers, yoga lovers – we can enhance your experience of the sport you practice simply by offering you a new approach. BUSINESS PROFESSIONALS – Balance your lifestyle and become the role model you are wanting to be to inspire your team – manage yourself to manage your business. FAMILY PEOPLE – Distancing from your situation just for a moment to see things in a new light and be able to address any relationship issues by simply starting with yourself. ANYONE OF ANY AGE at any stage of life just wanting change and a new perspective.

If you’d like more information about our features, get in touch today.
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Nicole was born in England, and from an early age animals, horses and outdoor activities in nature became her passion, eventually leading her into a full-time career in England and later Luxembourg as a professional horse rider and trainer. During this time, she latterly worked for the European Parliament, and then as a project manager in the corporate world of banking, with mountain and road biking, hiking, horse riding, snowboarding, surfing, swimming, yoga, aerobics, and dance all becoming part of her everyday life. In the year 2000 she moved to Zurich, Switzerland, and left the horse and corporate world behind, becoming a full-time fitness professional, managing various clubs throughout the country and teaching, educating & presenting a wide range of Yoga, BODYART & Fitness concepts and classes. Her passion for yoga, fitness, movement, and travel resulted in the organization of retreats around the world and the formation of her company YOGACTIVITY. In 2015 Nicole temporarily moved to Ibiza where she developed a high-end fitness retreat concept for Top Hill Retreats, integrating nutrition & nature combined with mind and body psychology into movement, and on returning to Zurich in 2021, she formed a further global retreat business, inZENtive Travel, with Robert Steinbacher, creator, and owner of the world famous BODYART concept and the company inZENtive. Nicole is still based in Zurich where she offers fitness, BODYART and yoga classes in local health clubs as well as personal training to private clients, when she is not flying around the globe offering educations, workshops and running the most unforgettable YOGACTIVITY retreat experiences with the most incredible yoga, fitness and movement experts imaginable!


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